Hello beauty lovers,

Jadi ceritanya beberapa minggu yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 9 April,  diriku ikutan beauty class-nya Makeover di AEON Mall. Awal ikutan ini karena liat IG-nya “Makeoverid”  dan langsung tertarik karena mereka lagi mengangkat tema “starestruck”, yang kalau diriku liat dari instagramnya sih starestruck ini mengenai permainan eyeliner untuk mempercantik dan menambah skill make up kita, PLUS dapat sertifikat lagi. Cuss lah langsung daftar.

Acaranya menyenangkan, karena selain mendapat kenalan baru, juga ternyata tidak hanya belajar mengenai eyelinernya saja, tetapi juga cara mengaplikasikan make up secara keseluruhan, dimulai dari pengaplikasian primer sampai pemakaian bulu mata.

Aku sendiri sih pas awal datang ke lokasi emang sengaja dari rumah gak pake make up sama sekali, karena udah yakin aja, kalau pasti bakalan diapus juga, jadi yaaahhh… hemat make up lah. Hahahaha..

Alat-alatnya seperti brush, sponge, bahkan tissu dan cotton buds sudah disiapkan oleh pihak Makeover, jadi gak perlu bawa berat-berat lagi dari rumah, walaupun daku bawa juga sih… beberapa brush, dan bener aja… ternyata digunain.

Untuk brush-nya, don’t expect long normal brush, because they only provided small, i can even say it mini brush.



Produk yang digunakan, sudah pasti kita pakai produk make over mulai dari primer-nya sampai blush dan lipstik. All products are Makeover. Well… for me, i think it’s good because i can learn about one brand products. Kualitasnya gimana dan apa aja yang kira-kira cocok untuk kulit gue.

Tapi sebenernya aku sendiri punya beberapa kekecewaan atas workshop ini, gapapa ya Makeover… daku ungkapkan disini… supaya dirimu lebih baik lagi kan. Semakin baik dan semakin berkualitas tentunya untuk beauty workshop ke depannya nanti, dan pasti makin banyak nanti peminatnya.

  1. Menurutku sih… agak kurang sesuai dengan poster iklan dari beauty class itu sendiri yang daku liat di IG-nya Makeoverid.


Kalau dari poster-nya ekspektasi gue adalah belajar buat eyeliner tumpuk seperti di poster tersebut, but in fact… we only made one winged liner. Yaaa… agak kecewa sih sebenernya.

2) Sebenernya gue expect suatu beauty class itu, cara belajarnya adalah tidak hanya dengan mengaplikasikan make-up ke wajah kita sendiri, tetapi juga mengaplikasikan ke wajah orang lain, (make  partner).

Karena kalau yang dari gue liat di lokasi, kebanyakan yang ikut beauty class ini 80% nya udah pada jago make-up, minimal basic make-up untuk mereka sendiri. Jadi maksudku adalah, tantangannya itu cara kita mengaplikasikan make-up ke orang lain yang mana contour wajahnya pasti beda dengan diri sendiri.

Karena ternyata kita juga ga belajar eyeliner tumpuk tersebut. 😦

3) Tempat mengadakan acaranya agak sempit kalau menurutku, diadainnya kan di hongtang AEON. dan… tidak menggunakan mic, jadi suara sayup-sayup terdengar oleh peserta yang duduk di belakang. Akhirnya kita bolak-balik nanya ke make-up artistnya yang emang ada deket kita.

“udah sampe mana sih mba?”


“udah sampai pengaplikasian contour dan bronzing belum mba?”


Tapi jangan khawatir, walaupun ada kekecewaan… ada senengnya juga sih:

  1. Dapat kenalan baru.
  2. Belajar pengaplikasian make-up dari awal sekali (using primer) sampai pemakaian bulu mata. jadi untuk peserta yang memang benar-benar belum bisa make-up sama sekali, otomatis hal ini sangat membantu mereka sekali, dan jadi nilai plus banget.
  3. In my opinion, gue jadi belajar produk-produk makeover secara keseluruhan dan bisa menentukan mana sih yang cocok untuk kulit gue, terutama untuk base-nya.Macam primer, foundation, concealer, dll. This is very good thing.
  4. Dapat sertifikat. Yeay! Emang sih… bukan sertifikat kehandalan atas hal yang kita pelajari, hanya certificate of attendance, tapi…. bagi aku itu sudah menyenangkan. Karena ini bener-bener pertama kalinya aku ikutan beauty class. Selama ini kan secara belajarnya otodidak yaaa…. hahahaha.
  5. Dapat Goodie bag dari Makeover dan dapat voucher dari hongtang. Yeaaayyy!

This is my result, (before and after):



Here is the certificate and the goodie bag:

Isi goodie bagnya, satu lipstik, satu eyeliner dan katalog dari Makeover.

Thank you Make over 🙂





Kulitku lagi gak oke banget pas ikutan beauty class ini, lagi banyak jerawat dan warna kulit lagi kusam banget. :((


Thank you Makeover.

See you in next beauty classes, pasti bakalan aku ikutin lagi kalau aku tertarik dengan temanya.  :* :*

See you in next posts beauty lovers.


Disclosure: i bought this product with my own money, i am not being paid to write my post and my opinions are honest and my own. What works for me may not works for others , and the same as what not works for me may works for others.



Balik lagi sama gea si blogger mood-ian. Iya.. nulisnya kalo lagi mood aja. Tapi semoga yang ditulis bermanfaat yah buat para pembacanya. terutama buat para pecinta make up dan kosmetik di Indonesia.


Yak! tanpa banyak basa-basi-basu-bisu, mari kita mulai review product hari ini. Belum bosen kan ya sama Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte? kayanya sih belum yaa, kalo diliat dari statistiknya blog saya kayanya penggmar Purbasari Matte Lipstick ini masih banyak.


Jadi ceritanya ini 2 shades tambahan yang saya punya, belinya sih udah dari kurang lebih 3 bulan lalu, sama… masih di AEON juga tempat belinya. Oh iya…yang mau baca review Purbasari shades yang lain, bisa baca disini, mangga atuh.







82 – MIRAH 






Abaikan penampakan manusia lainnya dibelakang saya, maklum… ambil gambarnya di kantor.

Ungunya cantik yaaa…

Sebenernya diriku jarang sih gunain warna ini untuk full lips, biasanya dijadiin gradasi color kalo lagi mau buat bibir ala korean make up. Mirah ini cocok jadi warna terang di bagian tengah bibir. Mungkin di postingan selanjutnya bisa kutunjukkan maksudnya gimana yaa.



86 – TOPAZ




Banyak beauty blogger yang berpendapat bahwa warna Topaz ini dupe-nya atau miriplah sama warna Ofra Miami Fever-nya Kathleen Lights.

Well, gue sendiri sih belum pernah make Miami Fevernya Ofra, tapi tadi sempet googling gitu dan nonton youtube nya Mbak Kathleen, kalau menurutku… warna Miami Fever sedikit lebih muda dibandingkan Topaz ini.

Mungkin kalau tipis-tipis di bibir bisa jadi sih, mirip sama Miami Fever itu. Nanti kucoba deh, dan ku-update lagi disini. Hokay.



Unutk tekstur sudah pasti matte, karena namanya juga Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte. Kalau mau baca lebih lengkap mengenai packaging dan tahan lama-nya, silahkan baca review Purbasari-ku sebelumnya disini yaaa.


Ini keseluruhan swatchnya:






Have you ever tried Purbasari Lipstick Matte?

What do you think about them?

Tell me in the comment box.





See you in my next post and thank you for reading.


Gea Irraselda Ardhita





(twitter/instagram: @gwea)







Disclosure: i bought this product with my own money, i am not being paid to write my post and my opinions are honest and my own. What works for me may not works for others , and the same as what not works for me may works for others.


You know i’m such a lipstick fan.

And i know, i only have 1 lips. 😛


Now let me share my new lipstick collection that has been in my stash for around 3 months. Max Factor Lipfinity Long Lasting Lipstick, and some colors has become my favorite these days.

Max Factor has them in many shades, i think there are 12 shades in websites, i don’t know how many shades that available in Indonesia, but i believe, i have 5 shades of them.


These are what Max Factor claimed about their Lipfinity Long Lasting Lipstick:

  • Intense colour and conditioning moisture that lasts. (Yeay!)
  • Up to 8 hours of vibrant, nourished colour that doesn’t dry out lips. (Yeay!)
  • Infused with nourishing oils, this long wear lip colour doesn’t crack, crumble or bleed.
  • Your high-impact lipstick that’s long lasting and effortless to apply. (Yeay!)



For me,

What i like about this lipstick is they are very.. very.. pigmented and it last long, like liptint the korean version, even though after you have rough eating session, it will still leave color on your lips. Me like it so much :*

Yes, it will last around 6 hours for me especially for bold color, it’ ll last more than 7 hours. (Thumbs UP!)

Very pigmented lipstick and so… smooth when applied.

I think the texture more like creamy, some colors are creamy with sheen, but definitely not matte. So, if you are into matte lipstick i guess this one not for you.

I wish the packaging is more sturdy and more clean.

Hahaha.. i don’t know why i use “clean” to express it. Maybe because it has transparent cap, so… if you’ve got the leftover in your cap, that won’t look good, too messy, i guess. Even though they use gold color, but still.. it doesn’t look good you have messy leftover color in your cap.






So.. let’s take a look with the shades i’ve got:





This is the lightest color i have, it’s a pink color, i think it’s more pink rosy color. it’s so beautiful. Stay Exclusive is my number 1 favorite from this collection.





Evermore sublime for me is like a pinky coral. definitely a beautiful color. This one has a sheen in it even though still creamy. But yes.. i can noticed the sheen.





I love Just Alluring, it’s pink fuchsia color. Bright. Bold. Beautiful.





If you checked on Max Factor website, ever sumptuous is more like brick soft orangey color. But when you see  it in real, it’s definitely pure orange color. I like to pair it only with mascara and simple liner on my eyes.






I like this color too, i wish they could make it matte formula with this color. Seriously i don’t have this kind of purple color in my collection. So.. yeah, this one is such a uniques purple color for me. Look at that swatch.. isn’t that beautiful?

*Whispering*…. I know.




L – R : Stay Exclusive – Evermore Sublime – Just Alluring – Ever Sumptuous – Eternally Luscious




Okay, to sums up:



  • I like the formula, it’s creamy though some colors are with sheen.
  • It’s so smooth on lips
  • Easy to applied
  • Very pigmented color
  • Yes, it’s long lasting.. up to 7 hours on my lips especially if that’s bold color
  • For me, it’s worth the price. (It retails for Rp. 115.000,-)



  • I don’t like the packaging.I wish it could be more sturdy and clean, because it’s made from plastic.
  • It has scent in it. it’s like candy, even though it doesn’t reach my nose but yeah… you know i don’t like scent for my lipsticks.


Marks: 7.5/10


Will i repurchase?

Yes, for some colors.

Will i recommend to friends?

Yep! Definitely!



See you in my next posts. :*


Gea Irraselda A.



(twitter/instagram: @gwea).



Disclosure: i bought this product with my own money, i am not being paid to write my post and my opinions are honest and my own. What works for me may not works for others , and the same as what not works for me may works for others.


Morning beauty lovers…

First of all, sebenernya hari ini ga punya niatan untuk nge-blog, niatnya mau kerja. Udah seneng2 nih buka laptop, colok hardisk, buka folder office.

“Kok.. tak ada folder tanggal 11 Desember?”

“Eh… data udah di-copy blum ya kemaren?”


Ternyata datanya lupa di-copy sodara, jadi kemaren aku ngopy apa ituuuu…? langsung bete. Baru keingetan. ternyata kemaren baru mindahin data dari email ke folder, tapi belum di-copy ke hardisk pribadi. Kan… kan…? Deadlinenya jumat lagi. Alamat seminggu besok bakalan lembur di kantor, padahal kan bisa dicil sabtu-minggu ini. Huhuhu…

Ya udalahya…

Daripada bersedih, ga bisa ngapa-ngapain juga, trus jadi bete. Mari kita nge-blog aja. Kemaren sempet ngambil ngambar untuk Emina lipstick, karena ini emang udah masuk list yang mau aku review product-nya.

Yuk. Lanjutkan. Intro-nya kepanjangan nih…hahaha.


Emina Lipstick Oh So Kissable ini aku beli bersamaan dengan Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte yang kemaren sempet aku review juga (baca review-nya disini).

Pertama kali liat packaging dari Oh So Kissable ini “CUTE BANGEETTTTT”. Terus ga mau dilepas, hahahaha…Tapi seriusan, packagingya mungil, kecil, pinky, girly banget deh pokoknya. Karena mungkin Brand Emina ini memang segmen pasarnya ditujukan untuk para remaja, kaula muda di indonesah. Halah!.








Tapi sebenernya aku kurang tau juga untuk kekuatan dari packanging-nya sendiri, karena  selama ini aku kan masih simpen kardus-nya jadi kemana2 kalaupun mau dibawa yaa masih di dalem tuh kardus. Semoga kuat sih yaaa, walaupun dari plastik. Nanti diriku update lagi deh, selesai posting ini blog, kan pasti kerdusnya kubuang.

Oiya.. untuk yang belum tau brand Emina, dia nih masih satu group sama make over dan wardah, adik cilik-nya lah. Karena segmen pasarnya ya itu tadi, ditujukan untuk remaja.

Warna yang aku beli 03-peach cream. Di website-nya dibilang ada 6 warna untuk Oh So Kissable ini. Check their website here.

“Its satin touch is your best company for every occasion. Let’s kiss and tell!”


Quote-nya aku ambil dari web mereka. So they said it’s satin finish, which for me it’s more like creamy. Kalau boleh aku bandingin sama Mac finish, ini tuh lebih mirip kaya Cremesheen finish-nya Mac atau malah lebih glossy.



Aku pilih warna peach cream, karena memang waktu di counter AEON-nya cuma ada 2 warna; peach cream dan cherry pie, kalo gak salah. Dan aku sendiri ga suka warna merah kalau bukan satin or matte finish, so… peach cream is better than none.




Sesuai dengan namanya peach cream, yang terlihat dari hasil swatch-nya memang warna peach yang menurutku lebih sedikit orange. So, peachy-orange maybe. Warnanya keluar dengan hanya sekali oles, so.. it’s good thing and it doesn’t have strong scent, thank you for that.

But too bad for me, lipstick ini kurang tahan lama. Paling lama sekitar 3 jam, itu juga kalau gak makan, gak minum dan gak kesenggol bibirnya.


“Kalau dikecup gitu gimana kaka?”

“Ya udalah, ilang aja dengan segera.”


Tapi… good thing is, it stained, walaupun cuma sedikit. So.. after all, buat gw, tetap harus re-apply every 2 hours. Karena akoh banyak minum. Begini hasil penampakan di bibirku.






Where to buy?

Emina Counter in Dept Stores or Malls. Aku sendiri belinya di Aeon.

Berapa sih harganya?

Rp. 25.000,- saja.



  • Packaging lucuk, super cute. Untuk yang suka packaging pinky, imut, girly, you must like this one. UBER CUTE.
  • Karena kecil, jadi ga ngabisin tempat di make-up pouch kamu.
  • Very affordable price.
  • Kayanya counternya udah lumayan banyak ya di Jakarta ini. So, it’s easily to find.
  • It’s stained. Walaupun cuma sedikit, yaaaa.. kalau lagi males re-apply oke-lah..
  • It doesn’t have strong scent or perfume.


  • Staying power 2-3 hours. Not my like.
  • The texture finish, it’s not satin for me, instead of creamy sheen more like glossy. (Intinya kalau ga begitu suka lipstick with sheen/glossy finish, this isn’t your thing).


Mark: 7/10


Will i repurchase?

No, i don’t think so.

Will i recommend to friends?

Yes, of course. It’s so cute.


Do you own any of emina lipstick Oh So Kissable? What do you think about them? Tell me in the comment box. Thank you.


That’s all for today’s post pemirsah.

See you in my next posts.


Don’t forget to folow my twitter and Instagram.


Gea Irraselda A.



(twitter/instagram: @gwea).






“Disclosure: i bought this product with my own money, i am not being paid to write my post and my opinions are honest and my own. What works for me may not works for others , and the same as what not works for me may works for others.”

Helooww beauty lovers…

Somehow today i want write a post about one brand of my lipsticks collection; Max Factor Colour Elixir Lipstick. I have 6 colors of these lipstick. Max Factor itself is one of my favorite drugstore brands. i have many kind of their products; their foundations, eyeliners, mascara, powders, eyeshadows, etc. So far i’m satisfied using their products, of course there are some hits and misses with them.

Max factor colour elixir lipstick is one of my favorite in my collection, yup.. after all, i won’t have six of them in my vanity. Max Factor claims that their Colour Elixir lipstick will gives you smooth, soft lips with gorgeous colour.

taken from their website:
– A blend of 60% emollients, conditioners and antioxidants including vitamin E 》 (read the ingridients)
– Instant fabulous colour 》 (✔)
– Actively moisturises for smoother, fuller lips (vs bare lips) 》 (✔ – although i don’t find them are making my lips fuller)

For myself i find them smooth in application, and have nice pigmented colour.

Here are the swatches:
(Somehow using flash shows me their true colour)







I think i will give my opinion of their each swatches colour separated in each post, about their own colour and pigmentation and what i think about them. So this post only general opinion about Max Factor Colour Elixir Lipstick.


– It moistures my lips without looking oily
– Of course it won’t dry my lips, perfect when i don’t want to use matte lipstick
– It’s pretty affordable for me. It retails for not more than Rp. 120.000,- i think.
– Easy to find in dept. stores like Metro, Sogo and Matahari
– It has many varian colours
– It stays pretty long on my lips, especially for bold colour like RUBY TUESDAY and POMEGRANATE. For about 4-5 hours without re-apply, of course it will fades when i drink or eat but only little.
– I like the packaging, it looks luxury with gold colour, and it shows the lipstick colour inside in the bottom of packaging, so it makes us easier when we want to use it.

– For people who likes matte lipstick, of course these ones not your cup of tea.
– I wish they have matte finish and more and more colours. really.
– To be honest, i don’t have any complaints about this Max Factor Colour Elixis Lipstick.

Mark: 88/100




How about you guys..?
Have you tries Max Factor Colour Elixir Lipstick?
And what do you think about them?

See you in my next posts.

Gea Irraselda A.

(twitter/instagram: @gwea)